Chicago Chesed Fund

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Early Shabbos and Yahrtzeit, and the Mahari Vaiyl. קבלת שבת מוקדמת ויארצייט

I'm going to start with my conclusion. This is my opinion and nothing more. The subject may seem trivial to people for whom it is not relevant, but to those for whom it is, it should matter. In my experience, though, people will make their decision based on convenience.

--Update: someone sent in a mareh makom, a teshuva from Rav Mordechai Breisch of Switzerland. He comes to the opposite conclusion. I recommend that you read this post, and then read his teshuva, and then decide which is more convincing. Specifically, please read paragraph numbered Gimmel on this page and then decide.

--Final Update: 
The מהר"י וייל was right. 
פסקי הבעלי בתים ופסקי הלומדים הם שני הפכים
Kaddish on this Post


Post Mortem

  Harav Yehuda Oppenheimer sent me a mareh makom to the Biur Halacha in 132. It is clear in the Biur Halacha that Kabbalas Shabbos makes it Shabbos regarding the Yohrtzeit.  I could say that "Lomdus is Lomdus, and Halacha is Halacha," but  the Chafetz Chaim's בודאי makes it just embarrassing. I'm wrong. 
The words of the Chafetz Chaim:
וקדיש של מזמור שיר ליום השבת אם חל היא"צ שלו ביום ו' בודאי אין לו חלק בהם ואם חל היא"צ בשבת משמע מא"ר דשייך להיא"צ
(I don't know why the second half of the sentence doesn't automatically follow the first and why he would need a raya from the Eliah Rabba.)

The Machatzis HaShekel, also pointed out by Harav Oppenheimer, says something amazing and incomprehensible to me.  Regarding the Magen Avraham that says 
וקדיש שאומרים בערב שבת אחר מזמור שיר ליום השבת הוא לאבלים, אם לא שהיארצייט הוא בחברה של קבלת שבת, והכל לפי המנהג
he says 
ר"ל, שיש לו יארצייט בשבת, משא"כ אם היה לו יארצייט בערב שבת אין לו שייכות לקדיש של מזמור שיר ליום השבת שהוא שייך לשבת, אף לדידן דאמירת מזמור לא הוי קבלה עד אמירת ברכו (כמ"ש מג"א סוף סי' רסא) מ"מ אמירת המזמור שיר שייך לשבת דווקא, אחר זה ראיתי שכן כתב גם בתשובת כנסת יחזקאל

which means, in plain English, that it doesn't matter if the person was mekabel Shabbos or not. The Shabbesdikkeh davening belongs to the person that has yortzeit on Shabbos. A Friday yortzeit has no rights to the Mizmor Shir Kaddish, even if nobody is mekabel Shabbos with Mizmor Shir (because they wait for Borchu,) because it is a davening that is related to Shabbos. Even if nobody is mekabel Shabbos at that point, even though it is said before Shabbos. I have no idea how that makes sense. It reminds me of the sign "Kosher style" on some delis.  I give up. 

Even though Rabbi Oppenheimer has blasted a hole in my boat, here's what I wrote. I still think it's a strong svara. I'd love to argue my mehalach with everyone that says I'm wrong. It hurts to say so, but I have enough seichel to know when I'm beaten.

I've given it some thought, and the post is followed by a which explains where I went off the track, what my derech was and how the poskim understood it differently.  We'll call that addendum the POST MORTEM.

Below is the original Post. 

The minhag/chiyuv/mitzva of Kaddish on a Yohrtzeit has nothing to do with your Kabbalas Shabbos or Yomtov. If the Yohrtzeit is on Friday, and you make an early Shabbos, you should still say Kaddish at Maariv if the sun hasn't set. If the Yohrtzeit is on Shabbos, and you make an early Shabbos, you are not a chiyuv to say Kaddish at Maariv.  

The Maharam in Smachos 117 says that a person that made an early Shabbos and hears a Shmu'ah Krova, his first day of Aveilus is Satuday, even though it's Friday and the Sun is still shining. Early Shabbos makes it Saturday.

The Maharil (Tshuvos 95) says even the Maharam would agree that a woman that made an early Shabbos and made a hefsek tahara after Maariv can count Friday the day of hefsek tahara and begin counting day one on Shabbos. Even if aveilus depends on your kabbalas Shabbos, Niddah does not. Niddah depends on the metziyus of day/night, what he calls "עיצומו של יום", and your kabbalas Shabbos does not change עיצומו של יום.

The Trumas Hadeshen (248) disagrees with the Maharil. He says that after kabbalas Shabbos, it is not Friday any more for hefsek tahara. He doesn't like the Maharil's idea of early kabbala not being able to change our definition of the יום, whether you call it עיצומו or otherwise. He says if that were true, what happened to davening three times a day, where the passuk says ערב ובוקר וצהרים אשיחה ואהמה. If you need to daven ערב ובוקר וצהרים, then who cares that you made an early Shabbos? So you see, he says, that making early Shabbos makes it Erev, it makes it עיצומה של לילה.

The Rema in YD 196 brings the two opinions regarding hefsek tahara, and says that the halacha is really like the Maharil, and it's still Friday for this purpose.

The Mechaber in 402, regarding Aveilus, paskens like the Maharam, that early kabbala makes it Shabbos.

The Shach there says that this is not inconsistent with the Rema that it's Friday for Niddah for hefsek tahara, because the Maharil's distinction is correct. For Aveilus, it's Shabbos. For Niddah, which is talui on עיצומו של יום, it's Friday.

The Trumas Hadeshen there (248) talks about Milah. The child was born Friday afternoon after everyone was mekabel Shabbos. He says that for Milah, everyone will agree that you look at the fact of day/night, irrespective of kabbalas Shabbos. Why? Because the date of Milah is independent of your choices and your status. It is an event that occurs in its own context.-  נולד ובא מן השמים ואין בידי אדם לשנותו

דלענין מילה הספק נולד ובא מן השמים ואין בידי אדם לשנותו ואין שייך לומר כאן "הואיל ועשהו לילה שוב אין לעשותו יום דתרי קולי לא עבדינן," דאין אנו עושין אותו יום אלא מן השמים נולד משא"כ לגבי גט ואבילות והפסק בטהרה דכולו בידי אדם הן ימתינו עד למחר ליתן הגט או תפסיק למחר או יקדימו קודם תפילת ערבית והמגיד שמועות האבילות ג"כ בידו היה להקדים או לאחר 

So, what about Yohrtzeit? The answer is clear, and underscored by the Trumas Hadeshen. Who cares that you made an early Shabbos? The Yahrtzeit depends on the date of death of the other person, an event external to your decisions and to your status. The yahrtzeit is that day, and it does not matter what you call it.

Aveilus and Shmuah Krova are dinim in the Aveil. The Yortzeit is a din in the meis.

Yamim Tovim have a kedusha that commemorates or re-enacts an event, and individuals have the ability to invoke that kedusha in the afternoon before the calendar date begins. A Yartzeit is purely the reality of an anniversary, and that anniversary begins when it begins. It is both עיצומו של יום and בא מן השמים ואין בידי אדם לשנותו.

True, there might be different aspects of a yahrtzeit, as indicated by the ideas expressed among poskim and Baalei Machshava, namely, the importance of aliyas haneshama on the anniversary of his death and the idea that it is a day of judgment and bad mazal to the child of the niftar. But I think we can all agree that at least in discussing the anniversary of a death, we should not solipsistically decide that the chasan haneshef is the mourner.

No, it does not matter if the niftar was makbael Shabbos early either. I'm not even going to address that.

For further support, please see the Netziv in Sheiltos Vayakhel 67:13. Erev is one thing. Laylah is another. I believe that is another way of saying the Maharil's chiluk, but that it adds support to my reasoning.
אלא נראה דהא מוכח דמצות ערבית שלא כתיב לילה בפי׳ מתחיל הזמן מפלה"מ כמו ק"ש ותפלה ש"ע ואפי׳ החולקים על ר"ת אינו אלא משום דבעינן זמן שכיבה הא בל"ז מודי כ"ע תדע דהתו' ריש פ' ע״פ כ' דמצה ומרור זמנה משתחשך דוקא משום דאיתקוש לאכילת פסח דכתיב ואכלו את הבשר בלילם הזה הא בל"ז כשר מפלה"מ אע"ג דכתיב בערב תאכלו מצות אבל לילה דכתיב בקרא ודאי משתחשך משמע וכן מצוה יומית כמו טבילת נדה דבעינן בשמיני ולא בשביעי ועד צה"כ עדיין שביעי הוא אבל מצוה התלויה בערב ולא כתיב לילה מתחילה המצוה מזמן פלה"מ 

I am familiar with the Taz and Maharshal in OC 668. I first heard about them from Reb Chaim Zimmerman when I was around nine or ten years old, in 1961, maybe earlier. He said "Der Taz halt az men ken mechallel Shabbos zein!!" And I've heard them discussed at least five times by people that have to speak between Mincha and Maariv on Sukkos. "The Taz in tof reish samach ches.....................," like Bar Mitzva boys saying "The Gemara in Menachos lamed vov says............."  The Taz and Maharshal are not relevant to this discussion.


I realized why my approach is so diametrically contradicted by the Machatzis Hashekel and Knesses Yechezkel. I understood the Yortzeit as a day of Kapara and Aliyah for the niftar, as the Zohar and Ari zal say, and therefore akin to the day of Milah, an event that occurs outside human involvement on  עיצומו של יום. They obviously hold that the concept of yortzeit is that the day is a day of remembrance for the person, or the day is dedicated to the person. If so, it's a din in the day. If that day is Shabbos, the tefillos of Shabbos are misyacheis to him, even to the extent that a tefilla that is said because it is EREV SHABBOS is misyacheis to that day and therefore to the person whose day it is. In this sense, it is similar to a Yomtov, which remembers an event, but is a din in that day. 

Once again, this underlines the Mahari Vayl's famous dictum (brought in the Sma in 3:sk13) that
ואם תשמע לעצתי לא תשב אצל הקהל בשום דין, דידעת שפסקי הבעלי בתים ופסקי הלומדים הם שני הפכים
I'm not saying this as false humility, so that someone will write in and say "Oh, no, you are a talmid chacham, not stam a baalabos!" My point is that I find that I become very nogei'ah to svaros that appeal to me early in the process, and my mind is no longer as easily opened by seeing a pshat that says different. It's a loss of mental flexibility caused by years of knowing what I know and not seeking new vistas.

Since I mention the Sma, here's a great story about Reb Meir Simcha and the Rogotchover. I wish I could tell it to my father.
מספרים כי פעם נתווכחו ביניהם שני גדולי העולם, הגאון הראגטשובי והאור שמח. בלהט הויכוח ובאין מוצא, הציע הראגטשובי לצאת לרחובה של עיר ולשאול את ההלך הראשון הנקרה בדרכם מהי דעתו. 'הן דעת בעלי בתים היא היפך מדעת תורה... כל אשר ההוא יאמר, נדע שהצדק עם שכנגדו' טען.

קיבל האור שמח את הצעתו ויצאו שניהם יחדיו. היהודי הראשון שבא לקראתם נקרא לבוא אליהם, ושני הגאונים הציעו לפניו את דבריהם. הלה אימץ מעט את מוחו ואמר שנראים לו דברי הראגטשובי.

פניו של האור שמח אורו. 'הנה' קרא 'הרי שצדקו דברי'.

'לא ולא' השיבו הראגטשובי 'הן ערב שבת היום. ואמרו חז"ל שהרץ בערב שבת והזיק - פטור, מפני שרץ ברשות. הרי שבערב שבת דעת האנשים אינה מיושבת ונוהגים הם בפיזור הדעת. אם כן מחמת כן כוון האיש אל האמת, אינו מיושב כעת בדעתו...'

For the sake of family members that read this, I want to explain how the question arose. Friday, July 14, 2017, was the twentieth of Tammuz. I was talking to HaRav Shimon Kalman Goldstein about the anniversary of the murder of the Telzers, and I mentioned that my uncles, my namesakes, Eliezer Yechiel and Nachum Velvel, were among them. A moment before, we had been talking about people that demand the amud to say Kaddish for their aunts and grandparents. I realized that nobody on Earth would ever say Kaddish for my namesakes if I didn't. I, of course, have no chiyuv, but it's the least I can do for my namesakes. So I decided to begin commemorating their yarhtzeit.  I made an early Shabbos that afternoon, and during Kabbolas Shabbos I went through the above in my head, and so even though Friday was the twentieth of Tammuz, I continued saying Kaddish after Kabbolas Shabbos.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Pinchas, Kehuna Gedola, and Kohen Gadol Challal


This is the gist of Reb Meir Simcha in the Meshech Chochma here: 
Pinchas' action, which saved Klal Yisrael from the devastating punishment for the sin of Bnos Mo'av, resulted in his being given Kehuna. Kehuna itself, by its nature, would have been perpetual. But Hashem wanted Pinchas to be rewarded with more, that Kehuna Gedola would be his family's, and Kehuna Gedola is not purely an inherited entitlement, it requires ongoing siyata dishmaya to be worthy of being appointed to that position. As the Rambam says, Hashem's promises are contingent on zechusim and not sinning, but those of a Navi are guaranteed and unconditional. Because a bracha from Hashem requires constant merit, and Hashem wanted the bracha to be unconditional, Hashem told Moshe to inform Pinchas of the bracha in his capacity as Navi. 

כה יב-יג לכן אמור הנני נותן יו את בריתי שלום והיתה לו ולזרעו אחריו ברית כהונת עולם
הביאור על פי מה שפירש רבינו בהקדמה לפירוש המשניות שכל ההבטחות שהבטיח הקב"ה לאדם יכול להשתנות על ידי חטא וכמו שפחד יעקב שמא יגרום החטא ריש פרשת וישלח אבל מה שמבטיח על ידי נביא אינו יכול להשתנות על ידי חטא אם נאמר במאמר מוחלט לא על ידי תנאי עיין שם דברי פי חכם חן 
וזה שאמר השם: "פנחס וכו' השיב.. ולא כיליתי וכו" פעולה קיימת לדור דורים שהסיר העון מן כללות ישראל. לכן אמור פירוש אתה תאמר לו, לא שאני אומר לו, אעפ"י שהיה נביא (כמו שכתוב דברי הימים א ט:כ ופנחס בן אלעזר נגיד היה עליהם לפנים ה' עמו.) ״והיתה לו ולזרעו אחריו ברית כהונת עולם״ שלא יגרום החטא ולא על ידי שום סיבה 
שכן מצאנו שאף בבית שני היו כהנים גדולים ממנו וכדאיתא בספרי משום שנאמר על ידי משה שהוא נביא והוא קיים לעולם 

Rav Kopperman brings that the Netziv says something that dovetails perfectly with this. 
The Sifri in the beginning of Pinchas (or the end of Balak, it's 131:3-4,) says

באו שבטו של שמעון אצל שבטו של לוי: וכי בן בתו של פוטי היה מבקש לעקור שבט אחד מישראל? וכי אין אנו יודעים בן מי הוא? כיון שראה המקום שהכל מזלזלים בו - התחיל מייחסו בשבח, שנאמר "פינחס בן אלעזר בן אהרן הכהן השיב את חמתי מעל בני ישראל". כהן בן כהן, קנאי בן קנאי, משיב חימה בן משיב חימה, השיב את חמתי מעל בני ישראל:
לכן אמור הנני נותן לו בריתי שלום. מלמד שעמדו ממנו בבנין ראשון י"ח כהנים גדולים,

The Netziv on that Sifri says

וחשיב שני דברים, שעשה שני פעולות, קנא לכבודו ית' והציל את ישראל ותעצר המגפה בתפלתו.
מלמד שעמדו: דכה"ג נבחר במדת השלום, וכדכתיב באהרן בריתי היתה אתו החיים והשלום. וכאשר נתברך פנחס במדה זו ממילא אין ראוי לכה״ג יותר ממנו ומבניו אחריו זרע השלום. 
ורואין אנו שכאשר חטא פנחס בבת (גדעון) [צ״ל יפתח] כמבואר בויקרא רבה פ' בחוקתי, שאמר אני כה"ג בן כה"ג ואלך אצל עה"א, בין דין לדין ספת עלובתא דא, ושניהם נתחייבו בדמי' כו', פנחס נסתלק ממנו רוה"ק הה"ד ופנחס בן אלעזר נגיד הי' עליהס לפנים ה' עמו. כצ"ל. וכלומר לפנים ולא אח"כ, כדאי' בירו'. ובב"ר פ״ט דייק מדכתיב הי' נגיד ע"ש. ומאז נסתלק מכה"ג ע' תד"א והובא בילקוט שופטים רמז ס"ח, שאז ניתנה לעלי מבני איתמר, והיינו מפני שמעל במדת החיים והשלום.

So the Netziv also says that Pinchas' reward for saving Klal Yisrael was Kehuna Gedola. Kehuna Gedola stems from the middah of Shalom, Aharon's middah.

(If you say that you don't see that the Sifri is saying that there is a relationship between Brisi Shalom and Kehuna Gedola, please note that Tosfos in Zevahim 101b brings the Sifri and learns it like the Netziv.)

There is, however, a basic difference, though, between Reb Meir Simcha and the Netziv. Reb Meir Simcha is saying it was a rock solid grant of the position. The Netziv is saying that the grant was "Brisi Shalom," an amplification of a middah that was already strong in Pinchas, and that once he got the bracha of Brisi Shalom, he would be the person most fit for the position of Kehuna Gedola. 

It may also seem that the Netziv is contrary to Reb Meir Simcha's point that the bracha, having come through a navi, was therefore immutable, because the Netziv talks of the time the Kehuna Gedola was not held by Pinchas' descendants, that the position was taken away from them. But this is not just the Netziv, it is a fact of history. Eli, the Kohen Gadol in Shiloh, he was not a descendant of Pinchas'. True, one might say that he was from Pinchas on his mother's side, but that is not what Rashi and the Radak bring from a Medrash in Shmuel I 2:30. Their Medrash says that Kehuna Gedola had been taken away from Pinchas' descendants and given to Elozors, but that this would now change, and it would revert to Pinchas' family. 

The passuk says that Elkana told Eli the Kohen Gadol that his family's gadlus had come to an end and he would be cursed.

{כז} ויבא איש אלהים אל עלי ויאמר אליו כה אמר יהוה הנגלה נגליתי אל בית אביך בהיותם במצרים לבית פרעה: {כח} ובחר אתו מכל שבטי ישראל לי לכהן לעלות על מזבחי להקטיר קטרת לשאת אפוד לפני ואתנה לבית אביך את כל אשי בני ישראל: {כט} למה תבעטו בזבחי ובמנחתי אשר צויתי מעון ותכבד את בניך ממני להבריאכם מראשית כל מנחת ישראל לעמי: {ל} לכן נאם יהוה אלהי ישראל אמור אמרתי ביתך ובית אביך יתהלכו לפני עד עולם ועתה נאם יהוה חלילה לי כי מכבדי אכבד ובזי יקלו: {לא} הנה ימים באים וגדעתי את זרעך ואת זרע בית אביך מהיות זקן בביתך: 

Rashi explains that Kehuna Gedola started out in the family of Elozor, it was taken away from them as a punishment, it moved over to Issamar's family, and now, due to Eli's children's bad behavior, the Issamar period ended and it would revert to Elozor's family.
אמור אמרתי . שני פעמים פסקתי גדולה לבני איתמר , בבני גרשון ובבני מררי נאמר ( במדבר ד כח לג ) , ביד איתמר בן אהרן הכהן , ועלי מבני איתמר היה , זו ראיתי במדרש שמואל ולשון הגון מזה שמעתי : אמור אמרתי ביתך ובית אביך וגו' ; מתחלה נתתי כהונה גדולה לאלעזר הכהן , שנאמר ( שם כ כו ) : והפשט את אהרן את בגדיו וגו' , ובימי פלגש שפקרו ישראל ברוב המצות , ומי גרם להם , פנחס וכיוצא בו , שהיה להם לסבב מעיר אל עיר ולהוכיחם , נטלתי הכהונה גדולה מהם ונתתיה לך , שמבני איתמר אתה , ואמרתי יתהלכו לפני עד עולם , שכשפוסקין לו גדולה לאדם , פוסקין לו ולדורותיו עד עולם :
כי מכבדי אכבד . את בני פנחס , שכבד אותי בשטים ( שם פרק כה יא ) , וכן היתה בימי שלמה , כשנבנה בית המקדש , (מלכים-א ב כז ) : ויגרש שלמה את אביתר מהיות כהן לה' כדבר ה' אשר דבר אל בית עלי , ונעשה צדוק כהן גדול תחתיו , שהיה מבני פנחס , שכן נתייחסו בדברי הימים ( א ו לח ) :

The Radak says the same.

אמור אמרתי. במדרש מתחילה נתתי כהונה לאלעזר הכהן ובניו שנאמר והלבשת אותם את אלעזר בנו ובימי פלגש בגבעה שפקרו ישראל ברוב המצות ומי גרם להם פנחס ואלעזר ושאר הכהנים שהיה להם לסבוב מעיר אל עיר ולהוציאם ולא עשו כן לפיכך נטלתי כהונה גדולה מהם ונתתיה לך שאתה מבני איתמר ואמרתי שיתהלכו ביתך ובית אביך לפני עד עולם עתה חלילה לי כי מכבדי אכבד בני פנחס שכבד אותי בשטים:

The point is that the Kehuna Gedola had moved from Elozor/Pinchas to Issamar. The Netziv's Yalkut in Shoftim says it was because of lack of sympathy for Yiftach, and Rashi/Radak in Shmuel say it was because the story of Pilegesh b'giva took place on their watch. 

In any case, it had been taken away and given to Eli's family, despite Reb Meir Simcha's ברית כהונת עולם שלא יגרום החטא ולא על ידי שום סיבה.  I guess we have to say that "immutable" doesn't mean that Kehuna Gedola would be his forever, it just means that he would have a greater right to it than anyone else. This is why, upon the failure of Eli HaKohen's children to live up to their yichus, it was taken back from them and returned to Elozor/Pinchas' descendants. So in a sense, the bracha was permanent, and the loss of the position was only temporary.  It is like Malchus and Yehuda.

In the past, we discussed the Yerushalmi that says that Eretz Yisrael and Torah are ours, but they are called Morasha, not Yerusha, and that means they are "entitlements that have to be earned." Here we learn that even those things that are out and out gifts, that are granted without condition, they, too, can be lost. The Ribono shel Olam can give you something, and if you fritter it away, or actually ruin it, it's your problem. Reb Meir Simcha saying that the gift of Kehuna Gedola to Pinchas was without condition did not mean that his descendants could not throw that gift out of the window.

Some years ago, I had mentioned that the Urim Ve'Tumim only functioned when they were on the heart of Aharon, a heart that was in total sympathy with Klal Yisrael. This is exactly the point of both Reb Meir Simcha and the Netziv. Kehuna Gedola requires the empathy and compassion that famously characterized Aharon HaKohen. A Kohen Gadol that lacks this trait is not fit, or capable, to function in that position. Pinchas, having demonstrated this kind of loving sympathy, was granted the gift of Kehuna Gedola forever - so long as his descendants embodied the trait that was essential to that position. 

This is what I had said there.

Ho’Urim ve’es HaTumim Vehoyu al Leiv Aharon. The Urim Vetumim were on the heart of Aharon. This phrase, “ahl leiv Aharon,” does not merely describe the placement of the Urim Vetumim. As we will explain, it describes the condition necessary for the Urim Vetumim to function.
The Yalkut here: R’ Shimon Ben Yochai says, the heart that rejoiced when Moshe was elevated to greatness will wear the Urim Vetumim. Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz here in the ma’amar “Sheves Achim Gam Yochad” says that this means that a heart that feels such empathy for others is fit to wear the Urim Vetumim. To understand the messages that come through it, one has to have complete sensitivity and sympathy for Klal Yisroel.
The Choshen only serves to amplify and augment that intrinsic empathy, which enables the wearer to correctly understand its messages. He connects this to the story in Brochos 31b with Eli Hakohen. When Eli told Chana that she was a drunk— shikora— she answered “lo adoni...” And the Gemora there explains “lo odon atto bedovor zeh, giliso be’atzmecho she’ein ruach hakodesh shoreh olecho sheteida she’eini schuras yoyin.” You are not a master in this matter, you have revealed that the divine spirit is not resting on you, for then you would know that I am not drunk, but rather I am overwhelmed with emotion and I am praying with total concentration. The pshat is that if Eli did not have the necessary sympathy to discern that she acted as she did because she was davening with great kavono because of her emotional desolation, he could not correctly interpret the message of the Urim Vetumim. He thought it said "shikora," drunk, when it actually said "kesarah," like Sarah, who also prayed to have a child.


 - I know this is too yeshivish for relaxed erev Shabbos Torah, but I thought the whole idea was fascinating. I'm torn between absolutely believing, alternately, the various contradictory opinions on this matter.
On the basis of the Sifri that says that Pinchas was granted not only Kehuna, but also Kehuna Gedola, Reb Meir Simcha points out that the Gemara's rule (e.g., Kiddushin 61b) that if a Kohen was found to be a Challal, his avoda is kosher, applies equally to a Kohen Gadol. If, on Yom Kippur, the Kohen Gadol had done the avodah, and we then realize he was a challal, bedieved his avodah is kosher. His proof is because it is from our parsha that the Gemara learns the kashrus-of-a-challal rule by a regular Kohen, from the words והיתה לו ולזרעו אחריו, and since the Sifri says that these words really refer to Kehuna Gedola, then the same rule must apply there.

He (and Reb Yitzchak Elchanan in B'er Yitzchak 25, first paragraph,) then says that this is clear from the Gemara (Makkos 11b) that discusses a person that was in an Ir Miklat and then the Kohen Gadol was found to be a Challal. There is a machlokes whether it is viewed like there was a Kohen Gadol but he died now (מתה כהונה,) or as if he were never a Kohen Gadol in the first place (בטלה כהונה.) The Gemara then says that both agree that the avoda that a kohen challal had done is kosher after the fact, and the argument is whether this is limited to kashering the avodah, or that it can be extrapolated to the laws of Arei Miklat. So, RMS says, it is clear that everyone agrees that even for those avodos for which only a Kohen Gadol is kosher, his being found a challal is not a problem.

The basic issue of a Kohen Gadol found to be a challal is also discussed in the Achronim. The Hafla'ah (Ksuvos 23) says that the avoda is passul (and I I love his proof. He says that even if a Challal is a Kohen, he can't be better than a Kohen Hedyot!) and the Minchas Chinuch (185) says it is kosher. But I like Reb Meir Simcha's proof from the Sifri. The proof from the Gemara in Makkos can be pushed away by saying that it's not true according to all the drashos in Kiddushin 61, but the raya from the Sifri seems to say that even for "l'zaro acharav" he's called not only a Kohen but even a Kohen Gadol. 

I do want to mention the Gevuras Ari's excellent question. According to those (like the Rambam (6 Bias Mikdash 10) that even after you find out that a kohen is a challal, if he persists in doing the avoda it's kosher, then why does the Gemara in Makkos say מתה כהונה ? מתה כהונה means that just like for Avodah, challalus does not passel, so too for Ir Miklat, he was a Kohen Gadol until now that we know of his psul, and it's as if he died (as far as being Kohen Gadol.) If even now that we know of his psul, it doesn't passel his future avodah, at least if he pushes his way in and does the avodah, , why would you say מתה כהונה??

Here's Reb Meir Simcha.
ובקידושין דף ס"ו ובן גרושה ובן חלוצה דעבודתו כשרה מנ"ל כו' והיתה לו ולזרעו אחריו ברית בהוגת עולם בין זרע כשר בין זרע פסול הפירוש דבני משה נתרחקו מן הכהונה מפני שבניו היו בני בת יתרו ראב"ע ולכד בני אהרן שהיו מיוחסים בכהונה מפני שהיו בני בת נחשון ופנחס היה בן בת פוטיאל לכן גם הוא לא נתכהן עד שהרג את זמרי ולכן אמר פנחס בן אלעזר בן אהרן כף לכן אמור הנני נתן לו את בריתי שלום דבתר אביו אזיל שהוא מיוחס ומה שאמו מבנות פוטיאל זה אינו פוסל בכהונתו והיתה לו ולזרעו אחריו כו' בגדר הזה אע"ג שאמם תהיה גרושה או חלוצה אין החסרון שבמעלת אמו גורמת לו לחלל עבודתו דבתר אביהם אזלי שהוא במעלתו אין חסרון והוא לא נתחלל ועיין ב"ב דף ק"ט בזה ודו"ק 

והנה עפ"י מה דדריש בספרי והיתה לזרעו אחריו ברית כהונת עולם שקאי על כהונה גדולה א"כ קמ"ל הפסוק דבן גרושה שלא נודע מלבד שאם עבד לא חלל אלא אף אם היה כה"ג ועבד עבודות כשהיה כה"ג דלא כשר בשאר כהן כמו עבודות דיוהכ"פ ג"כ כשר ולכן אע"ג דכתיב ברך ד' הילו על חללים בעי גם הד קרא דזרעו אחריו להכשירו למפרע לכה"ג לכן ס"ד אמינא דאפילו בע"מ נמי קק"ל שלם ולא כשהוא חסר וכן מפורש במכות דרק לענין ערי מקלט' פליגי אם מתה כהונה או בטלה כהונה אבל לעבודת כהן גדול לא מבטל כהונה ישו"ש ועיין בירושלמי תרומות ק רסבר דלמאן דמפיק מברך ד' חילו לא אמרו אלא בקדשי מקדש יוזה דלא כהגמ' פסחים ע"ג דתרומה איקרי עבודה יעו"ש ובזמן שבהמ"ד קיים וכהן מקריב נראה דוקא בכהן שאינו בע"מ אם אכל קדשי מזבח איש משלם אבל בע"מ שאכל קדשי מזבח ונודע שהוא בן גרושה משלם קרן לכהנים ובזה נדחו דברי הבתי כהונה הובא בשו"ת רע"ק סימן ע"ה לגבי וא"ו קטיע יעו"ש היטב ודו"ק

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy birthday to me

This morning, my shiur and friends made a birthday party for me. As much as I can be confident they'll make a party, every year is fraught with fear of what kind of present they will think of. I've been giving the shiur for thirty years, and I have friends with really big hearts and with even bigger senses of humor, so you can imagine how long and strange the list is. It started nicely, with a peirush on the Masechta we were learning, a sefer I mentioned that I didn't have, and the like. But it quickly got out of hand. A giant Yerushalmi, a new and improved Daled Cheklei Shulchan Aruch and a Tur. And then it got completely bizarre: a gargantuan snow blower, a Taser, wristwatches, restaurant gift certificates, enormous gas barbecue grill..... and I won't tell you what they had to be talked out of buying for me, Baruch Hashem!!! I should make a shehechiyanu on that alone.

This year their gift was donations to a tzedaka that is very meaningful to me, perhaps the most thoughtful and precious of all the gifts I've received.

I'm writing this because I want to record an insight into what a birthday means to me.

It is well known that birthday celebrations are not well known in Orthodox Jewish tradition. We famously say that the only birthday celebration in the Torah is that of Pharaoh. True or not, the fact is that birthdays are not a hallowed tradition, and I think this is related to our attitude towards Rosh Hashannah.

Rosh Hashannah is really a birthday as well. It is the beginning of a new year, just as a person's birthday commemorates the beginning of a new year of his life. Rosh Hashanna is not exactly a party, it is more a reminder that time is fleeting, a sober accounting of what we've done with our lives until then, what we ought to have done better, and what we ought to be doing in the coming year. I think that is true of birthdays as well.

On the other hand, when we wake up in the morning, and we realize that Hashem has graced us with life and the opportunity to accomplish something, that deserves not only gratitude, but also celebration on our part. How much more so is this true at the onset of a new year of life!

But to me, there is much more, and this is the reason I am posting this. My friends' celebration reminds me that I matter to them, and that they feel that I have, in some way, enhanced their lives. That, to me, is truly a reason to celebrate. I celebrate what a great blessing and joy it is to have dear friends who celebrate my birthday..

Friday, June 30, 2017

Chukas, Bamidbar 21:7. After an Apology, a Good Person is Mochel, and a Tzadik is Mispallel.

Synopsis: Even a person that caused us physical or emotional suffering should be forgiven if he sincerely apologizes. A pious person will not only forgive, but he will pray that Hashem have mercy on the penitent offender. We bring the source for this, and the rationale behind it, and show that both the source and the rationale are clearly evident in Chumash.

The issur of Netira is to hold hatred in your heart for a non-actionable monetary offense. You are not obligated to forgive an emotional or physical offense, but if the malefactor asks mechila, you should be mocheil.

Yoma 22b-23a
איני כמותך שלא השאלתני זו היא נטירה - שהדבר שמור בלבו ולא הסיחו מדעתו:
דנקיט בליביה - ואם בא אחר לנקום נקמתו בקיום המשפט ישתוק:
דמפייסו ליה - לבקש מחילה:

Rabbeinu Yona in Shaarei Teshuva 3:38 also addressed the hetter of netira for suffering and that forgiveness is meritorious when the offender asks to be forgiven.
כי אזהרת הנטירה על דבר שבממון, אבל על דברי גאוה ובוז ודרישת רעה מותר לשום הדברים על לבו, ואמרו רז"ל על זה, כל תלמיד חכם שאינו נוקם ונוטר כנחש אינו תלמיד חכם, אבל אם יבקשו ממנו מחילה יעביר על מדותיו

Ein Yaakov
ומפייס כו'. והא דאמרי' בפ' כל כתבי לא מזגינא רישא אבי סדיא עד דמחילנא לכל מאן דמצערי לי היינו נמי כדמפייסו ליה וקאמר גם שלא נתפייסתי מיד מ"מ באותו יום קודם שכיבה נתפייסתי וק"ל:

Also in BK in Hachovel, that if he asks for forgiveness, it is cruel to withhold it.  
The Mishna in BK 92a
 אע"פ שהוא נותן לו אין נמחל לו עד שיבקש ממנו שנאמר (בראשית כ, ז) ועתה השב אשת וגו' ומנין שאם לא מחל לו שהוא אכזרי שנאמר (בראשית כ, יז) ויתפלל אברהם אל האלהים וירפא אלהים את אבימלך וגו'
Braisa after the mishna
 ת"ר כל אלו שאמרו דמי בושתו אבל צערו אפי' הביא כל אילי נביות שבעולם אין נמחל לו עד שיבקש ממנו שנאמר (בראשית כ, ז) השב אשת האיש כי נביא הוא ויתפלל בעדך

The Mahrshal says that if the offender asks, then mechila is a wonderful thing. He adds that the person should realize that his mechila is not all that is needed, and if he is a tzadik, he will even be mispallel on behalf of the penitent offender. 

Rav Sternbuch brings this down here in 21:7., where Klal Yisrael asked Moshe not only to forgive them for offending him, but also that he be mispallel for them.
  ויבא העם אל משה ויאמרו חטאנו כי דברנו ביהוה ובך התפלל אל ה' ויסר מעלינו את הנחש ויתפלל משה בעד העם
Rav Sternbuch says
ויתפלל משה בעד העם (כא ז)
וברש"י מכאן למי שמבקשים ממנו מחילה שלא יהא אכזרי מלמחול וצריך באור מה ראיה היא זו וכי מפני שמשה מחל להם לישראל כל מי שאינו נוהג כמותו אכזרי הוא אתמהה 
ופירש הגה"ק בעל אבני נזר זצ"ל ע"פ הירושלמי רפ"ב דחגיגה שכשם שנפרעין מן העובד כן נפרעין מן הנעבד וא"כ כאן שהשוו ישראל את הקב"ה כביכול למשה ייענש משה בסבתן ולא היה לו למחול ורק מפני שמי שאינו מוחל אכזרי הוא מחל להם משה גם על דבר זה 
ובדרך אגב נראה להוכיח מכאן כשיטתו של היש"ש ספ"ח דב"ק דלא די במה שמוחל לו אלא צריך שיתפלל עליו שהרי משה התפלל בעדם וכן נראה בשיטה מקובצת שם 

His citation to the eighth perek of BK is incorrect, but it's an understandable mistake. It's actually in Yevamos eighth perek siman 27. (It's a trivial error. He thought it was BK because that's the Mishna in Hachovel, the eighth perek of BK, which we brought above. But the Maharshal is not there.)
The Gemara in Yevamos starts on 78b and continues on 79a.

דאמר ריש לקיש מאי דכתיב (צפניה ב, ג) בקשו את ה' כל ענוי ארץ אשר משפטו פעלו באשר משפטו שם פעלו אמר דוד שאול נפקו להותריסר ירחי שתא ולא דרכיה למספדיה נתינים ניקרינהו ונפייסינהו (שמואל ב כא, ב) ויקרא המלך לגבעונים ויאמר אליהם מה אעשה לכם ובמה אכפר וברכו את נחלת ה' ויאמרו לו הגבעונים אין לנו כסף וזהב עם שאול ועם ביתו ואין לנו איש וגו' יותן לנו שבעה אנשים מבניו והוקענום לה' וגו' מיפייס ולא פייסינהו אמר שלשה סימנים יש באומה זו הרחמנים והביישנין וגומלי חסדים רחמנים דכתיב (דברים יג, יח) ונתן לך רחמים ורחמך והרבך ביישנין דכתיב (שמות כ, כ) בעבור תהיה יראתו על פניכם גומלי חסדים דכתיב (בראשית יח, יט) למען אשר יצוה את בניו ואת ביתו וגו' כל שיש בו שלשה סימנים הללו ראוי להדבק באומה זו 

ים של שלמה יבמות פ"ח סכ"ז
דין העושה איזה דבר נגד חבירו ומפייסו שיתפלל עליו והמוחל עצמו מצוה עליו 
(כ׳ז) אמרינן בסוגיא בשעה שרצה דוד המלך לפייס את הגבעונים במה שעשה להם שאול אמר להם מה אעשה ובמה אכפר וברכו את עם ה׳ משמע אעפ"י שנתפי׳י הנלק׳ מ״מ אין הקב״ה מכפר כ"כ אלא שיתפלל המוחל עצמו עליו וע"כ וע"כ ראוי מי שמדקדק בדבר ויראת ה' על פניו ועשה בין אדם לחברו ומפייסו יבקש ממנו שיתפלל עליו והמוחל גופו מצוה רבה שיעשה לו רצונו וכן מצינו נמי באברהם ויתפלל אברהם על אבימלך

The Shittah Rav Sternbuch brings is in BK 92a that brings the Raavad and the Meiri who address this as well. (The Meiri is very unsatisfying - that the tefilla is just a siman that the mechila was with a whole heart, but the Raavad is in line with this discussion.).
כל אלו שאמרו דמי בושתו וכו' פירוש הבושת כמו חולי הוא שהוריקו פניו ונעכר דמו וכל אבריו נתרופפו ולבו דואג ואמרו בכמה אדם רוצה לסבול זה החולי בשיעורין הללו המפורשין במשנה אבל זה שנתכוון לצערו אינו יוצא ידי שמים עד שיפייס את חברו והוא יבקש עליו רחמים מפני שחטא בצער חברו כמו שאמרו לענין גזלה חבול ישיב רשע גזלה ישלם אף על פי שמשלם גזלה רשע הוא וצריך כפרה על חטאו הראב"ד ז"ל

שנאמר ועתה השב את אשת האיש אף על פי שנתן אבימלך לאברהם אלף כסף וצאן ובקר אף על פי כן לא נתרפא עד שהתפלל אברהם בעדו הראב"ד ז"ל 

וזה לשון הרב המאירי ז"ל שנאמר באבימלך השב אשת האיש ויתפלל בעדך כלומר שתבקש ממנו עד שימחול לך בלב טוב כל כך שיהא מתפלל בעדך ע"כ 

All I want to add is that the yesod of the Mahrshal is really obvious from the story with Avrohom Avinu and Avimelech. 
ועתה השב אשת האיש כי נביא הוא ויתפלל בעדך וחיה 
The Gemara asks on כי נביא הוא, "Why mention that Avraham is a navi," the Gemara does not address ויתפלל בעדך וחיהAvraham's tefilla. I think that the answer is inescapable; that even if Avraham Avinu was mochel Avimelech, the curse that resulted from Avimelech's offense would not be removed and he would die. Removing the curse required Avraham Avinu's tefilla. There's no other way to read the story, and that's what the Maharshal is pointing out. The Raavad in the Shita pretty much says this, too. The Raavad's approach seems to be that the tefilla is required because even after the mechila, there remains a sin midinei shamayim for causing pain, and the baalim on that sin is the person that was hurt, and his tefilla, not just mechilla, is necessary to remove the punishment for that offense klapei shamayim.


Please excuse this editorial comment, but I need to get it off my chest.

Muslims that refuse to recognize that terrorism is a problem that is related to Islam are similar to Jews that refuse to recognize that lack of mentchlichkait in dinei momonus is somehow related to the culture of Yiddishkeit. Maybe it's not your style of Yiddishkeit, and maybe "people like that aren't really frum," but denying that there's a systemic problem is the same willful blindness. It may be extrinsic, but it's deeply enmeshed. It's easy to say that it's extremely rare, and that we only hear about it because the few that do it do it so well, but that's just denial. Ask anyone that, for example, runs a Pesach program - I know someone that used to run a non-gebrokst program, and had endless agmas nefesh dealing with people - excruciating and endless bargaining, enormous boxes of chocolates taken from the tea room ("because I paid so much for the yomtov,") property damage, and kaheina. He changed to non-non-gebrokst, and it's a pleasure. The point is that it is not just "behavior of individual outlaws," it's evidence of a cultural problem that has become a midda mushreshes. As Reb Yisrael Salanter said, uprooting one midda ra'ah is harder than learning and knowing the whole Shas.

To outsiders, Islam's historic and current encouragement and celebration of bloody violence is so obviously true as to be a truism. But apparently, there are decent and sincere people of the Islam faith that are incapable of seeing this. I think the same is true of us, and I think it's deeper than חוץ מנגעי עצמו.

Here's an excerpt from an article in the Christian Science Monitor that made me realize this. Look at lomdus from the fellow from the Islamic Society of Denmark.

The imams’ decision not to bury the terrorists came after British Prime Minister Theresa May, speaking in the wake of a knife attack near London Bridge that killed eight people, said that there was “far too much tolerance of extremism in our country.”
But European Muslims, divided between many schools of thought and traditions, are unlikely to unite around a single approach to terrorism.
Demanding that Muslims address the scourge in the name of Islam “would imply that Muslims are potentially terrorists and we don’t accept that premise,” says Imran Shah, a board member of the Islamic Society of Denmark. “We will not accept orders from someone pointing his finger at us saying ‘this is your fault.’” (My emphasis.)
But British Communities Minister Sajid Javid, himself a Muslim, argued in a recent op-ed article in The Times that British Muslims bear a “unique burden” to tackle extremism. “It is not enough to condemn. Muslims must challenge, too,” he wrote. “We can no longer shy away from those difficult conversations.”
Naz Shah, a Labor party member of Parliament from Bradford in northern England, says that her Muslim constituents have overcome their reservations and that “they are having conversations about empowering communities” to face up to extremists. “We are talking about this amongst ourselves,” she adds.
But she rejects the idea that Muslims tolerate terrorism. The Manchester suicide bomber, Salman Abedi, had been reported to police by friends and neighbors on three separate occasions, she points out.
In France, too, the tone of the debate is changing, says Rachid Benzine, a member of a government commission studying imams’ education. “In the past people were saying that terrorism either had nothing to do with Islam, or everything to do with Islam,” and nothing to do with adolescent rootlessness, or Western policy in the Middle East, or social discrimination at home, or other contributing factors, he recalls.
Now, he says, “there is a recognition that jihadism is a product of both international problems and of the way Islam has been ideologized.”

The danger of radicalism

Though Muslim public intellectuals may think like that, many preachers in French neighborhood mosques “are hesitant to criticize” extremists “because they are afraid of stigmatizing the whole religion,” explains Mr. Benzine. “But there is no way around this; they have to do it.”

To be perfectly honest, the man quoted above, Imran Shah, might not be a good example of a decent, peace loving Moslem. He is probably an extremist in sheep's clothing. See his youtube interview.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Olive Oil and Memory

I know better than to glance at scientific studies and say "Oh, that's what the Gemara says!" Nine times out of ten it doesn't mean anything, especially when it comes to segulos and refu'os, where it's so hard to know when the Gemara is being literal and when it's being symbolic. I learned my lesson when I tried to convince Dr. Barry Simon, a professor at CalTech, that the weightlessness and immeasurabllity and "above time" (See Rogatchover Shemos 16:33 and Teshuvos II 28) nature of the Aron follows from the association of gravity and spacetime. He basically told me to stick to things I understand. But sometimes it's interesting to speculate about commonalities and ancient wisdom.

Horyos 13b:
חמשה דברים משיבים את הלימוד פת פחמין וכל שכן פחמין עצמן והאוכל ביצה מגולגלת בלא מלח והרגיל בשמן זית והרגיל ביין ובשמים והשותה מים של שיורי עיסה ויש אומרים אף הטובל אצבעו במלח ואוכל הרגיל בשמן זית מסייע ליה לרבי יוחנן דאמר רבי יוחנן כשם שהזית משכח לימוד של שבעים שנה כך שמן זית משיב לימוד של שבעים שנה:
והרגיל ביין ובשמים:  מסייע ליה לרבא דאמר רבא חמרא וריחני פקחין:
והטובל אצבעו במלח:  אמר ר"ל ובאחת כתנאי ר' יהודה אומר אחת ולא שתים רבי יוסי אומר שתים ולא שלש וסימניך קמיצה 
פת פחמין. פת האפוי בגחלים: 
של שיורי העיסה. שנשתיירה מלישה:

So there you have a Gemara that says that olive oil is beneficial for memory. 

As I said, this certainly can be an unscientific association with the Menora, as the Maharal says in his Chidushei Agados, and not meant to be either descriptive or prescriptive. Even if it is meant literally, it could be a segula, not science.
פירוש, כי השמן זית מיוחד לחכמה ושכל, מפני שממנו האור אשר השכל דומה לו, והזיתים אשר הוא נושא אל השמן, שבתוך הזית הוא שמן, מוכן לשכחה, כי השמן הוא נבדל מן הזית, ומפני שהשמן נבדל מן הזית הוא נבדל לגמרי, שזהו מיוחד לאור ולשכל, והנושא אשר [השמן] יוצא ממנו, כי הנושא אשר השכל עומד בו הוא חמרי, והוא משכח השכל כאשר הוא מוטבע בו. לכך כאשר אוכל הזתים הוא משכח תלמודו, כאלו השמן מוטבע בגוף הזית. וכאשר אוכל השמן שהוא בפני עצמו והוא נבדל מן הזית, הוא יפה לחכמה, כי הוא אור לגמרי, [והזית אשר השמן יוצא] ממנו הוא הפך זה, שהוא מסוגל אל הפך החכמה, לכך הוא מסוגל [לשכחה]. 

The reason this came up is this study in Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. Here's the intro to the article, in case the link doesn't work:

Extra-virgin olive oil ameliorates cognition and neuropathology of the 3xTg mice: role of autophagy


  • First published: 


Consumption of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), a major component of the Mediterranean diet, has been associated with reduced incidence of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the mechanisms involved in this protective action remain to be fully elucidated.


Herein, we investigated the effect of daily consumption of EVOO on the AD-like phenotype of a mouse mode of the disease with plaques and tangles.


Triple transgenic mice (3xTg) received either regular chow or a chow diet supplemented with EVOO starting at 6 months of age for 6 months, then assessed for the effect of the diet on the AD-like neuropathology and behavioral changes. Compared with controls, mice receiving the EVOO-rich diet had an amelioration of their behavioral deficits, and a significant increase in the steady state levels of synaptophysin, a protein marker of synaptic integrity. In addition, they had a significant reduction in insoluble Aβ peptide levels and deposition, lower amount of phosphorylated tau protein at specific epitopes, which were secondary to an activation of cell autophagy.


Taken together, our findings support a beneficial effect of EVOO consumption on all major features of the AD phenotype (behavioral deficits, synaptic pathology, Aβ and tau neuropathology), and demonstrate that autophagy activation is the mechanism underlying these biological actions.

The study is also cited in this article in Newsweek . The article ends by saying that the next step is to see whether olive oil ameliorates existing dementia or only prevents it. According to the Gemara, it even cures it - משיבים את הלימוד. It is protective and repairative.

Extra virgin olive oil is the key ingredient of the Mediterranean diet that protects the brain from Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline, scientists have discovered.
The health benefits of the Mediterranean diet—rich in plant-based foods, olive oil and fish—have long been known. It reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, and leads to a lower risk of dementia.
A team of scientists from Temple University, Pennsylvania, has found what in the diet protects the brain from Alzheimer’s—and how this key ingredient works to prevent cognitive decline and preserve memories.
Previous research had already linked extra virgin olive oil to many of the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. "The thinking is that extra-virgin olive oil is better than fruits and vegetables alone, and as a monounsaturated vegetable fat, it is healthier than saturated animal fats," senior investigator Domenico Praticò said in a statement.
Published in the Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology on Wednesday, researchers investigated the relationship of extra virgin olive oil and dementia using a mouse model. (The animals used develop key characteristics of Alzheimer’s, including memory impairment and the build-up of amyloid-beta plaques in the brain.)
Animals were divided into two groups; one received a diet rich in extra virgin olive oil and the other did not. The olive oil was introduced at six months of age, before the mouse Alzheimer’s had set in.
By nine and 12 months, the olive oil mice were performing far better on cognitive tests that evaluate memory and learning abilities. Later studies of their brain tissues showed stark differences between the two groups. The mice that had been fed olive oil had lower levels of amyloid plaques and there were big differences in nerve cell appearance and function.
The connections between the neurons—the synapses—were found to be better preserved in the olive oil group than the control, and there was also an increase in nerve cell autophagy activation. The activation of autophagy is the important discovery—since this is the process that helps clear debris and toxins, including amyloid plaques, from the brain.
At present, scientists believe the reduction in autophagy is involved at the onset of Alzheimer’s—so finding a mechanism that prevents it could help develop therapies to treat or even reverse the disease.
"This is an exciting finding for us," Praticò said. "Thanks to the autophagy activation, memory and synaptic integrity were preserved, and the pathological effects in animals otherwise destined to develop Alzheimer's disease were significantly reduced. This is a very important discovery, since we suspect that a reduction in autophagy marks the beginning of Alzheimer's disease."
The team now plans to give 12-month-old Alzheimer’s mice (which have already developed plaques) extra virgin olive oil to see if it can stop or reverse the disease. “Our studies provide mechanistic support to the positive cross-sectional and longitudinal data on this component of the Mediterranean diet, and most importantly the biological rationale to the novel hypothesis that extra virgin olive oil could be considered as a viable therapeutic opportunity for preventing or halting Alzheimer’s disease,” they conclude.

We all know that we cannot take the medical advice in the Gemara at face value.  Let's look at the other things the Gemara says are good for memory:
פת פחמין וכל שכן פחמין עצמן
 והאוכל ביצה מגולגלת בלא מלח
 והרגיל בשמן זית
 והרגיל ביין
 והשותה מים של שיורי עיסה
 ויש אומרים אף הטובל אצבעו במלח ואוכל 

פת פחמין וכל שכן פחמין עצמן. Bread baked in charcoal, and certainly charcoal itself. I have almost no training in biology or organic chemistry, but as I understand it, toasting bread generates acrylamides, which are considered carcinogenic. Additionally, acrylamides cause neuropathy. That is definitely not good for memory. 
 והאוכל ביצה מגולגלת בלא מלח. Baked egg without salt, like the egg we put on the seder plate as a zeicher for the Chagiga. 
 והרגיל בשמן זית, olive oil, although it doesn't mention extra virgin.
 והרגיל ביין, habitual drinking of wine. 
 ובשמים and habitual use of fragrant spices.
 והשותה מים של שיורי עיסה, one who drinks water left over from kneading bread. I don't know what this means. Since when is water left over after you knead bread?
 ויש אומרים אף הטובל אצבעו במלח ואוכל, and some say "one who dips his finger in salt and eat it." I guess the finger dipping means a certain amount - a pinch.
In any case, it is likely that some of these are segulos, not medicine, so we have to take this, apropos of this particular Gemara, with a pinch of salt.