Just wanted to expand a bit on our conversation last night about the ne’ila drasha. As I said, I thought it was powerful, which is because it took a very concealed yet indispensable concept and brought it out into the light of day, resulting in a surprising insight.Ne’ila is not what we do to pass the time between mincha and maariv yom kippur-style, but actually beckons us to a spiritual adventure that most of us never associated with yom kippur at all. As you said, most of YK is about the negative, past-oriented message of ashamnu and al chait. We’ve messed up and we need to fix that. But at this moment, that’s (mostly) behind us — it’s settled now — and we have - surprise! - a new orientation: a positive, bold, optimistic view of the future. Okay, we’ve sinned, but we’ve repented and we hope have been atoned. What now? March boldly into the future! This is your mandate. Do what has to be done. The YK process itself can be a downer, causing a person to think that he’s better off just withdrawing from the world. Maybe if i just crawl into a shell in 5784 i won’t have so much to repent for in 5785. Wrong answer! You MUST face the future boldly and you MUST do your best to do so without getting sidetracked by everyday temptations. You won’t always succeed but you must relentlessly try. That’s what neila is about, at least in part. Powerful. In league with, shabbos/rosh hashana is not a diluted yomtov but a turbo-charged shabbos - go meet the challenge!It occurs to me that this message may be embedded already in the mincha tefila. Why do we read Yona? A thousand answers are given. One may be that just what we’re talking about is precisely what yona had to learn. He didn’t do what he had to do. He was afraid it wouldn’t work out well - for him, for b’nai yisroel, whatever. He dropped the ball. Mah lecha nirdam! (Rav Ahron o’h used to quote that line all the time.) There’s no room in this world for a “sleeper”. Chazak va’amatz! Get going! Don’t let the inevitable failures get in your way. You’ll learn from them and move on. Ain tzadik ba’aretz asher ya’aseh tov v’lo yecheta (another favorite of R Ahron’s). If you seek perfection you’ll never get anything worthwhile done.This may be stretching things, but i think there are resonances of this idea in the din of בריה אפילו באלף לא בטל, because of chashivus. A Jew has to recognize his chashivus as a birya and not allow himself to be overwhelmed by self-doubt, fear of getting things wrong, and confusion about the goal. Ne’ila is the first step. Yishar kochacha! And thank you.
Divrei Torah of lasting value that require some thought. Established Ellul 5766/September 2006
Monday, October 23, 2023
Ne'ilah drasha pei daled
Monday, September 25, 2023
Yizkor Speech Yom Kippur Pei Daled
Yizkor on Yom Kippur is fundamentally different than Yizkor on the Shalosh Regalim. Besides the historical fact that YYK was practiced during the time of the Tannaim, while YSR is mentioned the first time in the Sefer Haminhagim in the end of the thirteen hundreds, and was unknown to the mechaber of Machzor Vitri and to the Baal Harokeach and the Mechaber of Shulchan Aruch.
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Why no Shofar on Yom Kippur and Aseres Ymei Teshuva
If you'll look past the apparent fatuousness of the question, let me explain.
Even the Rambam in the Yad (albeit in Teshuva and not in Shofar,) finds a remez of hisorerus for teshuva in tekias shofar.
אע"פ שתקיעת שופר בראש השנה גזירת הכתוב רמז יש בו כלומר עורו ישינים משנתכם ונרדמים הקיצו מתרדמתכם וחפשו במעשיכם וחזרו בתשובה וזכרו בוראכם. אלו השוכחים את האמת בהבלי הזמן ושוגים כל שנתם בהבל וריק אשר לא יועיל ולא יציל הביטו לנפשותיכם והטיבו דרכיכם ומעלליכם ויעזוב כל אחד מכם דרכו הרעה ומחשבתו אשר לא טובה.
If that is a real taam or remez, why is there no mitzva of tekiah on Yom Kippur, the ultimate moment of teshuva, the cynosure, the destination of the past forty days?
And even if you say "It's a gzeiras hakasuv," why weren't chazal kovei'a tekiah during the aseres ymei teshuva? The short slichos erev Yom Kippur is only because it is sort of a Yomtov (Shelah - וכפי דעת הסוברים שגם בליל יום הכיפורים יש מצווה להרבות באכילה ושתייה, וממילא הוא קצת יום טוב ונכון למעט אז באמירת סליחות , and the Magen Avraham in תר"ד that one should even learn a little less so as to more time to eat), and has nothing to do with distraction from Teshuva.
I think the answer is that the shofar is עורו ישנים. If someone has to run a marathon, there are two steps. One, wake up. Two, run. Once you're woken, there is no point in carrying an alarm clock with you. Once the troops have been warned that they are under attack, that their life is in danger if they don't take up arms, there's no point in sounding the alarm any more. I think that Rosh HaShanna is when you have to wake up. Teshuva is good all the time, but dirshu begins davka on Rosh Hashanna. If you haven't woken up at that point, shh, close your eyes, you might as well go back to sleep.
In other words, just as the tekiyah of Rosh HaShanna is a vital part of the message of the yemei hateshuva, the silence of Yom Kippur is an equally powerful part of that message. If you haven't seriously undertaken the yoke of teshuva by now, forget about Elozor ben Durdaya. You are not Elozor ben Durdaya. You are finished. The absence of the tekiyah on Yom Kippur speaks just as loud as the tekiyah on Rosh Hashanna.
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Daven as if You Are the Last Fifteen Thousand
Reb Chaim Brown's son, Eliezer, has a blog, and he posted the following from R Mordechai Malka, the Rav of Elad in Israel.
He found it on Bechadrei, https://www.bhol.co.il/news/766685
.. מבואר במסכת תענית דף ל ע"ב, וכן במסכת בבא בתרא דף קכא ע"א: אמר רבן שמעון בן גמליאל לא היו ימים טובים לישראל כחמשה עשר באב וכיום הכפורים. בשלמא יום הכפורים משום דאית ביה סליחה ומחילה, יום שניתנו בו לוחות האחרונות. אלא חמשה עשר באב מאי היא? וכו' (אמר) רבה בר בר חנה אמר רבי יוחנן: יום שכלו בו מתי מדבר. דאמר מר עד שלא כלו מתי מדבר לא היה דבור עם משה, שנאמר ויהי כאשר תמו כל אנשי המלחמה למות וידבר ה' אלי, אלי היה הדבור ע"כ. ומבואר במדרש איכה רבה (וילנא) פתיחתות א"ר לוי כל ערב תשעה באב היה משה מוציא כרוז בכל המחנה ואומר צאו לחפור והיו יוצאין וחופרין קברות וישנין בהן, לשחרית היה מוציא כרוז ואומר קומו והפרישו המתים מן החיים והיו עומדים ומוצאין עצמן חמשה עשר אלף בפרוטרוט חסרו שש מאות אלף, ובשנת הארבעים האחרון עשו כן ומצאו עצמן שלמים אמרו דומה שטעינו בחשבון וכן בעשור ובאחד עשר ובשנים עשר ושלשה עשר וארבע עשר, כיון דאיתמלא סיהרא אמרו דומה שהקב"ה ביטל אותה גזירה מעלינו וחזרו ועשאוהו יום טוב.
א} צריך להבין מדוע עשו אותו יו"ט ומה הדמיון ליו"כ
? ב} ושמעתי דבר נפלא בשם המשגיח מפונביז' הרה"ג לוינשטיין זצ"ל שהנה לכאורה יש להבין מדוע רק החמש עשרה אלף האחרונים זכו שהגזרה תתבטל מעליהן וכי אחרים לא התפללו להינצל?
ותירץ שההבדל בין הקודמים לאחרונים כיון שבכל שנה היו מתים ט"ו אלף מתוך עשרות אלפים ששכבו בקברם והרוב היו קמים ורק ט"ו מתוכן לא היו קמים, א"כ בכל פעם ששכבו בקברם עדיין לא היית תפילתם שלמה לתלות עיניהם רק בחסדי השי"ת, כיון שהיית מתגנבת מחשבה בתוך ליבם שהוא מקוה שלא יהיה בין הט"ו אלף שנפטרים אלא יהיה מן הנשארים, אולם הט"ו אלף האחרונים של דור המדבר היה ברור להם שהם לא יקומו ואין שום סיכוי שהן ישארו ואין להם להישען אלא על אביהם שבשמים, רק אז שפכו ליבם באמת ותלו ביטחונם רק בקב"ה לכן התקבלה תפילתם והתבטלה מעליהם הגזירה, ללמדנו את אשר אמר דוד המלך שאמנם קרוב השי"ת לכל קוראיו, אך אינו נענה אלא לכל אשר יקראוהו באמת, והיינו בלב שלם מבלי להישען על חכמתו או גבורתו או דבר אחר, ורק שאין שיתוף ופונה אך ורק לקב"ה זוכה ומתקבלת תפילתו. ולכן אמר מדוע ישיבת מיר שרדה במשך שנות השואה למרות כל גלותה ומעברה ממקום למקום בסכנות גדולות ובתנאים קשים ביותר, ואילו כאשר הגיעו לארה"ב נחרבה, כיון שכאשר היו בגלות תלו כל ביטחונם בהשי"ת והיה להם סייעתא דשמייא, ואילו כאשר הגיעו למקום מבטחים כבר בטחו גם בבני אדם ובעושר ולכן לא נענו וחרבה הישיבה. ובזה מובן מדוע עשו אותו יו"ט כי בו התחולל הנס והתקבלו התפילות וממילא הופך ליום שמסוגל לתפילות כעין יו"כ, ורוב הטעמים בגמרא הן שנתקבלו התפילות של ישראל ולכן זכו להאיר עיניהם להתיר השבטים ושבט בנימין ולהביא לקבורה הרוגי ביתר ולבטל השומרים שמנעו לעלות לרגל.
I had two problems with the vort. First, I did not like R' Levenstein's expression that the Mirrer Yeshiva in America was "כאשר הגיעו לארה"ב נחרבה." Nechreva??? Yes, we all know that the greatest Mirrer talmidim, especially R Leib Malin, felt that R Avraham Kalmanowitz's creation was too Americanized, and they went and founded Beis HaTalmud. But Chorva? Somehow, it didn't sound right.
Second, I disagreed on the idea that the last fifteen thousand davened at all. The same way that the mishna in Brachos says that prayer to change an existing fact is a תפילת שוא, and R Akiva Eiger brings from the Sefer Chasidim that it is not just futile, but actually assur, it seems to me that once the RBSO made a 'neder' or 'Shuva,' prayer to change anything is a waste of time, no less than asking for a neis. My proof is from Moshe Rabbeinu himself. It was only after he thought that the RBSO was mattir neder did the 515 tefillos begin. Evidently, before that he didn't even try to change the Gzeira. the same is true for the Dor Hamidbar. Bishlema before the last year, fine, maybe they davened that they should live and let others be among the fifteen thousand that had to die; or that they should all live until the last year in the Midbar. But in the last year? There was no way out. אשר נשבעתי באפי! They were definitely going to die, so instead of davening, they would have spent their time better saying vidui. Or chazering mishnayos. What's the point of tefilla at that point!
So I sent my first question, on R Levenstein's expression, to R Malka. Here is my letter.
כבוד הרב שליט"א
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Achrei Mos. The Se'ir Azazel
All you have proven is that the bird is alive.The question at hand is :Is the Torah contrasting the treatment of the bird to that of the goat or is it a saying the goat is to be treated LIKE the other paired animalHoweverI could make this distinction:The birds are brought after the tzaraas has resolved -presumably the person has done teshuva and learned their lesson.In contrast the saier works לשבין בין לשאינם שבין.So the Torah is saying the metzora has redeemed themselves while Klal Yisroel has not yet demonstrated their worthiness for כפרה.
Rashi mentions this as well.
On passuk 16:10,
והשעיר אשר עלה עליו הגורל לעזאזל יעמד חי לפני יהוה לכפר עליו לשלח אתו לעזאזל המדברה:
Oneklos says
וּצְפִירָא דִּי סְלִיק עֲלוֹהִי עַדְבָא לַעֲזָאזֵל יִתָּקַם כַּד חַי קֳדָם יְיָ לְכַפָּרָא עֲלוֹהִי לְשַׁלַּח יָתֵיהּ לַעֲזָאזֵל לְמַדְבְּרָא:
Rashi explains,
יעמד חי. כְּמוֹ יֻעֲמַד חַי — עַל יְדֵי אֲחֵרִים, וְתַרְגּוּמוֹ יִתָּקַם כַּד חַי; מַה תַּ"ל? לְפִי שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר לְשַׁלֵּחַ אֹתוֹ לַעֲזָאזֵל וְאֵינִי יוֹדֵעַ שִׁלּוּחוֹ אִם לְמִיתָה אִם לְחַיִּים, לְכָךְ נֶאֱמַר יָעֳמַד חַי, עֲמִידָתוֹ חַי עַד שֶׁיִּשְׁתַּלֵּחַ, מִכָּאן שֶׁשִּׁלּוּחוֹ לְמִיתָה (ספרא):
Why does he translate יעמד חי as יִתָּקַם כַּד חַי? The words כַּד חַי mean "while it is alive," and the "while it is" is not in the words of the passuk. Elsewhere, Onkelos translates חי simply as חי. He explains that this is because the verses below do not state explicitly that the goat is sent to its death, but only that it is "sent off in the wilderness." Psukim 21-22 -
וסמך אהרן את־שתי ידו [ידיו] על ראש השעיר החי והתודה עליו את כל עונת בני ישראל ואת כל פשעיהם לכל חטאתם ונתן אתם על־ראש השעיר ושלח ביד איש עתי המדברה
ונשא השעיר עליו את כל עונתם אל־ארץ גזרה ושלח את השעיר במדבר
This is why the Targum needs to explain that חי only means that while the other goat of the pair was just slaughtered as a chatas, this one remains alive for the moment. But it, too, will later be killed. Psukim 9-10 -
והקריב אהרן את־השעיר אשר עלה עליו הגורל ליהוה ועשהו חטאת
והשעיר אשר עלה עליו הגורל לעזאזל יעמד חי לפני יהוה לכפר עליו לשלח אתו לעזאזל המדברה
Friday, September 18, 2020
Rosh HaShannah Before Yom Kippur
Part of this was first posted in 2010. This adds something very good that I heard from my brother R Akiva shlitah this morning at his Zoom Siyum on Tamid, Erev Rosh HaShanna תשפ"א הבא עלינו לטובה ולברכה.
Yesterday, a friend was in the local Hebrew bookstore, and a woman with very little Jewish background was talking to the clerk about the Yamim Noraim. She said that she knew that Rosh Hashanna is the day of judgment, and Yom Kippur the day of forgiveness, but she said she always wondered why judgment would come before forgiveness - Reb Yisrael Salanter's famous question.
Coincidentally, yesterday I heard a shiur daas from Rav Avraham Chaim Levin on that topic. Rabbi Levin said in the name of his wife's grandfather, Reb Chatzkel Levenstein of Ponevezh, an answer in the name of Reb Yitzchak Blahzer. He said that only after Klal Yisrael is mekabel ol malchus shamayim is it possible to have a day of kapara. Only after we realize that Hashem is our king, and that by not doing what Hashem wants we are mored bemalchus, then Hashem is willing to be mochel.
I recently saw someone an interesting and relevant mashal that clarifies his idea. A king sends two servants to do some menial job. One is very skilled at this work, and does it perfectly, but feels that is an unfair imposition, and so he does it with resentment and a scowl. The other is not particularly good at this kind of work, but he does it with pride, happy to be able to serve his king. What is the difference between the two? Who is the better eved? The difference is not just who is the better eved. The first one is not an eved at all, he is a moreid bemalchus. The second one is a loyal eved.
So it's not just a matter of doing aveiros. When we do mitzvos, if we do them besimcha, then our actions proclaim that we are avdei Hashem. If we do the mitzvos, but we do them as if they are a burden, then we are moreid bemalchus.
As we say, לקונה עבדיו בדין
Reb Chatzkel added that there is a difference between a melech and a talmid chacham. A talmid chacham has the right to forgo his kavod; machal ahl kvodo, kvodo machul. A king has no such right; melech shemachal ahl kvodo, ein kvodo machul. But why can't a king be mochel? Because his malchus is not his, it is a stewardship granted by the Ribono shel Olam, and the king can't be mochel on what is not his. The Ribono shel Olam, on the other hand, is a King whose malchus belongs to Him, and so He can be mochel on His kavod. But the Ribono shel Olam is only willing to be mochel on his kavod for his avadim. First, we have to be Avdei Hashem. Only once Klal Yisrael firmly and proudly declares, and demonstrates through their behavior, that Hashem is their king, only then is Hashem willing to be mochel ahl kvodo. After Rosh Hashanna, when Klal Yisrael is mamlich the Ribono shel Olam, only then Hashem chooses to be mochel ahl kvodo. Only then is the mechilla of Yom Kippur possible.
In fact, we can say that asking for kapara on Rosh Hashanna would be contrary to the idea of Malchus. Why should a melech be mochel? A melech is makpid that his servants do his will with pride and alacrity. Bringing up our failings and asking that they be dismissed diminishes the whole concept of Malchus.
This enables us to discuss another question. The Gemara in Bava Kamma 50a says "One who says Hashem is a "Vatran," his life will be mevutar. In other words, one who says that Hashem dismisses sin, may his life be dismissed. The point of the Gemara is that Hashems's justice is immutable and inexorable. So how canYom Kippur bring forgiveness? Isn't clemency a waiver? The answer is that just as the Rama MiPano said that the din of Rove is not vitur
If so, we can say that the din of Yom Kippur, even if it is mechapeir without teshuva, is that once Klal Yisrael as a whole is Mamlich the Ribono shel Olam, Hashem is mochel to His avadim. This is a din, a result of what we do on Rosh Hashanna, and not vitur.
And what is the best way to be makabel ol malchus shamayim? Chazal say that it is through Malchiyos, Zichronos, and Shofros. But I like to say over the Tanchuma in Parshas Tzav, which I think is also key to kabalas ol malchus shamayim:
Perhaps we can apply the Tanchuma to the Gemara in Brachos as well:
What's the shaichus of Hashem being ma'avir kol tuvo, and the kapara? Maybe the pshat is that when a person realizes Chasdei Hashem and the opportunities Hashem has given him as a gift, then Hashem will be meracheim on him, even if he doesn't deserve it. Hakaras Hatov is the key to Yiras Shamayim and to Kapara.
UPDATE ער"ה תשפ"א
I was speaking to my brother HaRav Ha'illui Akiva, the מרא דאתרא of Manchester, New Hampshire.
He said that to seek Kapara, you have to know who you are. Realizing who you are, the relationship the RBSO offers to have with you, is the illumination that allows you to do teshuva. This makes perfect sense. Teshuva means that you realize what you could have been, what you should have been, and what you failed to achieve, what you refused to see and to do.
This is why Chazal say (ויק"ר כ"א ד)
רבנן פתרין קרא בראש השנה ויום הכפורים, אורי בראש השנה וישעי ביום הכפורים
Akiva's words:Tshuva requires self-awareness; you cannot create [brias ha'olam] anew you if you don't know the raw materialwith which you are working with. which requires Ori. Perhaps the difficulty is in the concept that some people think tshuva is the total rejection of who you were in order to create a new order. Hardly: the raw materials were always in place; you have to find them and use them properly.
מה תעשה לשמך הגדול
מי יחוס עלי חוץ ממך
לכן אם תקטלני לך איחל
אברח ממך אליך
ובשולי רחמיך אחזיק
עד אם רחמתני
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Aseres Yemei Teshuva and Parshas Vayelech. Sometimes, the Ribono shel Olam taps you on the shoulder.
Come Friday night, she says that it probably is not appropriate for her to learn Yeshaya on Shabbos, because it makes her teary eyed, as do all the stories of tragedies and missed opportunities. I say that we should try anyway. So we sit down to learn, including Rashi.
Here are the Pesukim we learn Friday night.
Rashi on passuk 16:
".... Wash, purify, remove, cease, learn, seek, uphold, judge, fight, come: ten mandates of repentance, corresponding to the Ten Days of Repentance [from Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur] and corresponding to the ten verses of Kingship, Remembrance, and Shofar."
The ten imperatives in Pesukim 16, 17, and 18, correspond to the עשרת ימי תשובה. I never would have known this. How often are the עשרת ימי תשובה referred to in Tanach? So far, only one other place, where Naval died ten days after he insulted Dovid HaMelech, those were the עשרת ימי תשובה (RH 18a.) To have learned Tanach a whole year, to get to Yeshaya, to wonder whether yes Rashi or no Rashi, to decide to do it anyway, and to do it now, and to learn davka the pesukim that are meramez to the עשרת ימי תשובה, that is not just general information.
Even more: This week is Parshas Vayelech. In 31:18, the Torah warns us that Klal Yisrael will face Hester Panim.
We are used to thinking of הסתר פנים like the story of Megillas Esther, that Hashem hides from us, that His Hashgacha Pratis is hidden behind Teva. But in our pesukim, the Navi Yeshayahu tells us that there is an aspect of Hester Panim that is much, much, worse than that. This is the aspect kind of Hester Panim that the Gemara in Chagiga (4b) uses our pesukim in Yeshaya 1:12 to explain.
This is an aspect of Hester Panim where Hashem doesn't want your mitzvos.
The Navi Yeshaya applies this to the Avoda of the Beis HaMikdash - I have no interest in your korbanos. Who asked you to make Aliyah LeRegel? Your Yomtov gatherings make me tired. But the Rambam and Rabbeinu Yonah explain that this הסתר פנים is not limited to the things the Navi Yeshaya described, it is total. All the mitzvos you do are rejected by the Ribono shel Olam. This is not an issue of עבירה מכבה. This is an iron curtain created by failure to do Teshuva.
The Rambam (Teshuva 7:7) says that when a person has not done Teshuva, the RBSO does not want a person's mitzvos. Not just Aliya l'regel - all mitzvos.
Learning this on Friday night of Shabbos Shuva felt like a Navi knocked at my door with a telegram from the Ribono shel Olam. "The Ribono shel Olam wants you to know this: It is the עשרת ימי תשובה, and you had better take this very, very, seriously."
We don't have neviim, we don't even have a bas kol. But we apparently do have something. That "something" arranged that after almost a year of learning Tanach, during Aseres Yemei Teshuva, the night before we read in Parshas Vayeilech about Hester Panim, we read a Rashi that told me that until a person does Teshuva, all his Mitzvos and Maasim Tovim just make the Ribono shel Olam tired. They bring no Ritzui. The person is in a self imposed condition of Hester Panim, a Hester Panim that means not only that Hashem is hidden from him, but far worse, that Hashem does not want to see him or his pathetic mitzvos and Torah. In order to escape from that miserable condition, the Navi told us we have Aseres Yemei Teshuva. These Aseres Yemei Teshuva are not just a matter of time passing. They represent the ten steps a person must take to climb out of his pit of Hester Panim. They are
The Gaon in his Peirush on Nach (MHK) says
טז רחצו וגו' חשב כאן תשעה דברים ואחר כך אמר לכו נא ונוכחה והמה כנגד עשרת ימי תשובה והעשירי יום הכפורים ואמר בפסוק הראשון ד' דברים רחצו הזכו הסירו חדלו שהם ד' דרכי התשובה היינו חרטה וידוי עזיבת החטא ולחדול מכל הדברים שהביאו לחטוא והם כנגד ארבעה פעולות שבאדם במחשבה בדיבור במעשה והמעשה נחלק לשתים עשה ולא תעשה יז למדו היטב הרגילו את עצמכם להיטיב דרשו לדרוש יפה אשרו לשון הדרכה כמ"ש רש"י ורצה לומר הגזול תמיד שלא היה יכול לילך בדרך מפני העושקים ורצחנים וז"ש בחולם לשון מקור שהיה תמיד עשוק וגזול תדריכוהו שפטו בשביל היתום כמו שפטני אלהים וריבו הוא יותר כי שפיטה מדת השופט וריב הוא מדת בעל דין ואצל אלמנה שהיא מעונה יותר מהיתום וגם כל כבודה פנימה אמר ריבו שתהיה בעל דין בשבילה
The notes from R Meir Yehoshua Katzenellenbogen there:
Rabbi Krasner speaks about this at length in his amazing Nachalas Shimon on Yeshaya 1, numbers 31 and 41, and brings from the Noda Biyehuda a long discussion of how the Rambam could say what he says and his makor. Among other things, the idea is that וְעוֹשֶׂה מִצְוֹת וְטוֹרְפִין אוֹתָן בְּפָנָיו doesn't mean that he doesn't get schar. It means that his schar goes to where his ikker roots/yenika are/is, so if he is a ben olam hazeh, all the schar goes to olam hazeh. If he does teshuva, and becomes a ben olam haba, then his schar goes to the olam haruchni, to olam haba.