תניא ר' שמעון בן אלעזר אומר עזרא תיקן להן לישראל שיהו קורין קללות שבתורת כהנים קודם עצרת ושבמשנה תורה קודם ר"ה מאי טעמא אמר אביי ואיתימא ריש לקיש כדי שתכלה השנה וקללותיה בשלמא שבמשנה תורה איכא כדי שתכלה שנה וקללותיה אלא שבתורת כהנים אטו עצרת ראש השנה היא אין עצרת נמי ראש השנה היא דתנן ובעצרת על פירות האילן
Tosfos there in Megilla has a slightly different perspective - that we do not want any vestige of klala to be read immediately after these two beginnings, so we get them out of the way.
שאנו רוצים להפסיק ולקרות שבת אחת קודם ר"ה בפרשה שלא תהא מדברת בקללות כלל שלא להסמיך הקללות לר"ה ומטעם זה אנו קורין במדבר סיני קודם עצרת כדי שלא להסמיך הקללות שבבחוקותי לעצרת
וכתבו התוס' שנהגו העולם להפסיק בפרש' אחת בין קללות לעצרת והוא פ' במדבר סיני וכשם שאמרו שלא לאחר כך אמרו שלא להקדים שיהיו קורין אותם שתי שבתות שלפני עצרת דלא מינכרא מילתא שכלו קללותיה אא"כ נקראים בסמוך לאחרית השנה
The implication is that in setting the order of Parshiyos it was more important to avoid a negative, to see to it that these two parshiyos of Tochacha for the sins of the past are not hanging over our heads at our new beginnings, on Shavuos and on Rosh Hashannah. Shavuos is the Rosh Hashanna for tree crops, and the first of Tishrei is the Rosh Hashanna for mankind.
Over time, simanim were developed to help us remember what to read. As the Mechaber says in OC 428:4,
So the siman for Shavuos is מנו ועצרו, Me'nu-count, atzru-Shavuos. On leap years, Bamidbar is two weeks before and Naso is immediately before Shavuos.
As is often the case, the reasons given by our Chachamim for their takanos are not the whole story. I don't know why, but sometimes the real reasons are hidden and left for discovery by individuals that pay more attention. Perhaps Chazal wanted us to experience the pleasure of discovery. With that in mind, I'd like to say something I heard from Harav Shimon Kalman Goldstein. The vort is his; he is not responsible for my presentation or my hosafos.
Medrash Rabba Parshas Vayeitzei, where Yaakov meets Rachel by the well, 70:9. Some see in it a foreshadowing of Mattan Torah.
To emphasize the relevant part of the Medrash -
The Y'dei Moshe there explains
Every single Jew at Mattan Torah was essential to Kabbalas HaTorah. If even one was missing, the Torah could not be given. Every letter corresponds to one Jew; you can't have a marriage with only one party; a Torah letter without a Jew whose Neshama resonates to that particular frequency is a dead and non-functional letter, and the Torah would be passul. This can be seen in the Siman of Krias HaTorah - מנו ועצרו. Counting Klal Yisrael, as spoken about in Parshas Bamidbar, is essential to Kabbalas HaTorah.
Let me make this clearer. Certainly, we see from here that every individual has a chelek in Torah, and that Torah is incomplete if anyone is not zocheh to his cheilek. But to me, there is a bigger chiddush here. Why were the shishim ribo necessary? It is certainly possible that this is a stratum of kedusha. You have a mezuman, an eidah/minyan, 22,000, and certainly 600,000, you have a step up in the darga of kedusha. One might say that this is why the shishim ribo were needed at Sinai, it was a critical mass, a quorum. . Or, like the Ramban says, because it includes all the permutations of human thought, Chacham HaRazim. The chidush here is that it was not so, it was not a matter of critical mass, or חכם הרזים. It simply is that every letter corresponded to an individual. Without that marriage, the letter was defective. We don't just passively receive the Torah - it is a dynamic relationship comprising two parts, the written Torah and the neshamos of Klal Yisrael.
It's not a matter of quantity, it's interrelationship, it's parallelism.
When Na'ami tried to discourage Rus from becoming a giyores, she told her that we have 613 mitzvos, and Rus answered עמך עמי. How were Rus's words responsive? Perhaps we can say that the Torah and the Mitzvos are not given to individuals, it was given to Klal Yisrael. Only Klal Yisrael as a whole can fulfill the entirety of the taryag, and only Klal Yisrael is fit for Kabbalas HaTorah- in this world, Klal Yisrael and the Torah are a unity.
It was not only the men that experienced this at Mattan Torah. The Ribono shel Olam gave us the din of prisha to ensure that the women were worthy of Kabalas HaTorah, no differently than the men. Whether the shishim ribo somehow includes the women, or that a man and a woman form a single unit, or, as the Pnei Yehoshua (Kiddushin 30a) suggests, we count על דרך מזה ומזה הם כתובים, I don't know. As the Chasam Sofer קובץ תשובות סימן נב says
And this vital and essential connection is not of merely historical interest, something that happened long ago in Midbar Sinai. The relationship of the Torah and Klal Yisrael is renewed every year, as if we are actually experiencing a new Mattan Torah. This is true to the extent that there is a minhag to not do any surgical procedures before Shavuos, because the malachim were being mekatreig in order to prevent the gift of the Torah to the Jews, and that Kitrug happens every single year when the vows are renewed (see OC 468:9, Rema - ונהגו שלא להקיז דם בשום ערב יום טוב ואין לשנות, and MB sk38, (לח) שלא להקיז - דבערב שבועות יצא שד דשמו טבוח ואלו לא קיבלו ישראל את התורה הוי טבח להי לבשרייהו ולדמייהו וגזרו רבנן על כל עיו"ט משום ערב שבועות ושרעפי"ן שקורין באנקע"ס או קעפ זעצי"ן יש מתירין מלבד הו"ר שהוא יום הדין ועכ"פ בערב שבועות יש להחמיר.) Every single Jew has a cheilek of Torah, and without his cheilek, the Torah is diminished.
I want to end with something the Maharsham says in his third introduction to his Teshuvos, something he heard in the name of the Nesivos.
The spaces have kedusha too. Some are zocheh to correspond to a letter, others to a space. The spaces serve a vital purpose and give meaning to the written letters.
Over time, simanim were developed to help us remember what to read. As the Mechaber says in OC 428:4,
וסימן לפשוטה יפקדו ופסחו ולמעוברת סגרו ופסחו מנו ועצרו צומו וצלו קומו ותקעו:
So the siman for Shavuos is מנו ועצרו, Me'nu-count, atzru-Shavuos. On leap years, Bamidbar is two weeks before and Naso is immediately before Shavuos.
As is often the case, the reasons given by our Chachamim for their takanos are not the whole story. I don't know why, but sometimes the real reasons are hidden and left for discovery by individuals that pay more attention. Perhaps Chazal wanted us to experience the pleasure of discovery. With that in mind, I'd like to say something I heard from Harav Shimon Kalman Goldstein. The vort is his; he is not responsible for my presentation or my hosafos.
Medrash Rabba Parshas Vayeitzei, where Yaakov meets Rachel by the well, 70:9. Some see in it a foreshadowing of Mattan Torah.
ר' יוחנן פתר לה: בסיני,
וירא והנה באר, זה סיני.
והנה שם שלושה, כהנים לוים וישראלים.
כי מן הבאר ההיא, שמשם שמעו עשרת הדברות.
והאבן גדולה, זו שכינה.
ונאספו שמה כל העדרים
ר' שמעון בן יהודה איש כפר עכו אמר, משום ר' שמואל: שאילו היו ישראל חסרים עוד אחד, לא היו מקבלים את התורה.
וגללו את האבן, שמשם היו שומעים את הקול ושמעו עשרת הדברות.
והשיבו את האבן, (שמות כ): אתם ראיתם כי מן השמים דברתי וגו':
ונאספו שמה כל העדרים
ר' שמעון בן יהודה איש כפר עכו אמר, משום ר' שמואל: שאילו היו ישראל חסרים עוד אחד, לא היו מקבלים את התורה.
The Y'dei Moshe there explains
לפי דאיתא שאותיות התורה הם ס' רבוא נגד ס' רבוא נשמות ישראל על כן היו צריכים להיות דוקא במילואם ששים רבוא והרי מצינו מנחות ל א' בספר תורה שאם חסר אות אחת פסולה
Let me make this clearer. Certainly, we see from here that every individual has a chelek in Torah, and that Torah is incomplete if anyone is not zocheh to his cheilek. But to me, there is a bigger chiddush here. Why were the shishim ribo necessary? It is certainly possible that this is a stratum of kedusha. You have a mezuman, an eidah/minyan, 22,000, and certainly 600,000, you have a step up in the darga of kedusha. One might say that this is why the shishim ribo were needed at Sinai, it was a critical mass, a quorum. . Or, like the Ramban says, because it includes all the permutations of human thought, Chacham HaRazim. The chidush here is that it was not so, it was not a matter of critical mass, or חכם הרזים. It simply is that every letter corresponded to an individual. Without that marriage, the letter was defective. We don't just passively receive the Torah - it is a dynamic relationship comprising two parts, the written Torah and the neshamos of Klal Yisrael.
It's not a matter of quantity, it's interrelationship, it's parallelism.
When Na'ami tried to discourage Rus from becoming a giyores, she told her that we have 613 mitzvos, and Rus answered עמך עמי. How were Rus's words responsive? Perhaps we can say that the Torah and the Mitzvos are not given to individuals, it was given to Klal Yisrael. Only Klal Yisrael as a whole can fulfill the entirety of the taryag, and only Klal Yisrael is fit for Kabbalas HaTorah- in this world, Klal Yisrael and the Torah are a unity.
It was not only the men that experienced this at Mattan Torah. The Ribono shel Olam gave us the din of prisha to ensure that the women were worthy of Kabalas HaTorah, no differently than the men. Whether the shishim ribo somehow includes the women, or that a man and a woman form a single unit, or, as the Pnei Yehoshua (Kiddushin 30a) suggests, we count על דרך מזה ומזה הם כתובים, I don't know. As the Chasam Sofer קובץ תשובות סימן נב says
"נשאלתי אם יש אתי לפרש הנמצא בספרי חצונים לרז"ל כי יש ששים רבוא אותיות לתורה, ואמרו כי ישראל ר"ת כן הוא, ועמדו למנין כל התנ"ך ואין בו כמו אלו.
תשובה. דברים הללו לא נמצאו בש"ס כי אם בספרי המקובלים, ואין לנו עסק בנסתרות ולא אתנו יודע עד מה, ואיך נעמוד למנין אותיות התורה. וכבר העידו חז"ל [קידושין ל' ע"א] שאין אנו בקיאין בחסרות ויתירות.
I want to end with something the Maharsham says in his third introduction to his Teshuvos, something he heard in the name of the Nesivos.
שמעתי בשם הגאון מליסא ז"ל לפרש מש"כ כי לא דבר ריק הוא מכם כי הנה בתורה יש מקומות הכתובים ובזוה"ק ומדרשים דתיבת ישראל ר"ת יש ששים רבוא אותיות לתורה ועי׳ פני יהושע קידושין לי ובחידושי חת"ס סוף חולין מש"כ בזה ויש גם מקומות פנוים וריקנים בתורה כמו בין חומש לחומש ובין פרשה לפרשה ודומיהם אבל באמת לא ריק הוא כי גם שם מלא אותיות נסתרים וגניזים שאינם נראים לעין והענין כי יש נשמות ישראל הראויים להדבק באותיות התורה ויש מהם שאינם ראוים להדבק בהאותיות ומ"מ נמשך חיותם ממקום הריק שבתורה
My son Shlomo added that if you see the story with Yaakov and Rachel as a remez to Mattan Torah, you should also see there that even with everything in place, you need mesiras nefesh and ahavas hatorah in order to bring the Torah from potential to actual. You need a יחד לב of מסירת נפש.
Breishis 29:10
I have to add something I saw at Reb Chaim Brown's website that adds beautifully to this idea. This is what he says:
That's exactly what I'm saying. Like it or not, every Jewish Neshama is related to a letter in the Torah, its own kinyan. If the person becomes a tzadik, wonderful! If he becomes a rasha, the yachas to Torah is still there, but nebach, he's dragging it through filth.
Breishis 29:10
ויהי כאשר ראה יעקב את־רחל בת־לבן אחי אמו ואת־צאן לבן אחי אמו ויגש יעקב ויגל את־האבן מעל פי הבאר וישק את־צאן לבן אחי אמו
I have to add something I saw at Reb Chaim Brown's website that adds beautifully to this idea. This is what he says:
....this amazing Koznitzer Magid (at the end of Avodas Yisrael) should make your Yom Tov. In the last perek of Avos R' Yehoshua ben Levi tells us that a bas kol echoes from Sinai every day bemoaning those who ignore Torah. The Mishna describes these people using the pasuk, "Nezem zahav b'af chazir...," it is like a golden ring in the snout of a pig. M'mah nafshacha, asks the Koznitzer, how does this analogy make sense? If people are learning, then they are not dragging the gold ring through the mud; if they are not learning, then they don't have the gold ring to begin with! They have nothing, no connection -- where's the gold ring?
The answer must be, says the Koznitzer Magid, that every Jew, from the day he/she is born, has a connection to Torah built into his/her DNA. We're not born with a silver spoon in our mouths -- we are born with a gold ring, a nezem zahav, the beauty of Torah. The Mishna is telling us that it's up to us to make the most of that innate connection. We can either seize the opportunity and hear the call from Sinai, or we can end up dragging that gold ring through the mud.
That's exactly what I'm saying. Like it or not, every Jewish Neshama is related to a letter in the Torah, its own kinyan. If the person becomes a tzadik, wonderful! If he becomes a rasha, the yachas to Torah is still there, but nebach, he's dragging it through filth.