Chicago Chesed Fund

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ki Seitzei, Devarim 23:15 . Skunks and Krias Shema

 והיה מחניך קדוש ולא יראה בך ערות דבר ושב מאחריך

OC 79: Tefilla and Torah is prohibited where there is a repulsive odor of filthy things, such as a bathroom smell, or decaying flesh. Since this is a din of Makom, you even have to go daled amos away past the point where the smell is not evident.

What about other bad smells, like skunks or hydrogen sulfide or ethyl mercaptan. Ethyl mercaptan is particularly interesting, because its use as an odorant began after it was noticed that vultures would gather around gas leaks.

This might appear to be a far fetched hypothetical. But the use of skunk spray, מי בואש, by the Israeli police for crowd control, has made this increasingly relevant, especially for those participating in Peleg Yerushalayim civil disobedience demonstrations.

The Chayei Adam, and quoted by the Pischei Teshuva and the Mishna Berura, say it is not a problem. The proscription of tefilla and Torah near a bad smell only applies to tzo'ah and things that are rotten. The raya is from the Mishna in Shabbos that says you can't light with itran and napht because it will make the residence unlivable, but it does not say you couldn't make the bracha when lighting.

Chayei Adam is in Tefilla Klal 3:
נראה לי דדבר שטבעו ריח רע מותר. ולא נקרא צואה אלא מה שנסרח מחמת עיפוש [כדאיתא בפרק אין מדליקין מפני כבוד השבת ,שלא תאמר הואיל וריחו רע יהא טעון הרחק ד אמות, לפום כן צריך לומר אין מדליקין, וכ״מ בסוכה י״ב עיי״ש]

Quoted in Pischei Teshuva OC

Mishna Berura 79 sk23
ריח רע היינו כל שדרך בני אדם להצטער מאותו הריח. כתב הח"א דבר שטבעו ריח רע כגון עטרן וכדומה מותר ולא נקרא צואה אלא מה שנסרח מחמת עיפוש וכ"כ בספר מנחת שמואל:

Even though the Magen Avraham 79:11 says
ריח רע:    כל שדרך בני אדם להצטער מאותו הריח [כ"מ]:
and one might say that this should apply regardless of the source of the smell, it seems that the Chayei Adam is generally accepted.

Notably, the baal Chavos Yair, in his Mekor Chaim, paskens differently, at least as regarding Shmoneh Esrei:
 ונראה דיש בני אדם שמואסין בריח גביגה וריח עלי דובאק (וכן יש כמה מיני ירקות שריחם רע כמבואר בש"ס וש"ע סי' תרל"ט סי"ד וכן ריח שום כבפ"ק דסנהדרין די"א ע"א) ומי רגלי חתול כל שריחו רע להאי גברא אסור כך נ"ל מסברא. ואין להביא ראיה מש"ס דאפילו בבית שיש בו שכר והרסנא ונפשו חשקה בהם חיו מונעים להתפלל משום ביטול כוונה ותרצה לומר דכ״ש ריח רע אבל אין זה ראיה די"ל תפלה חמורה בכמה דינים כבר"ס פ"ז

Assuming like the Mishna Berura, and assuming that the smell does not cause distraction, we do not apply this halacha unless the smell is associated with something that is instinctively viewed as being repulsive.  Therefore, even though hydrogen sulfide is the reason rotten eggs smell bad, and even though ethyl mercaptan and tetramethylenediamine (otherwise known as Putrescine) are the reasons for the terrible smell of decomposing flesh, these chemicals in themselves would not interfere with tefilla. Certainly skunk spray is not a problem.


  1. I have heard that "skunk spray" contains yeast among its ingredients. I'm no biologist or chemist, but if the bad smell is caused by fermentation it might be classified as ריחו רע מחמת עיפוש. Even though beer is excluded, that might not be because fermentation is not ipush but because the smell is not considered bad. True skunk spray, which is musk, would indeed not preclude tefillah according to the Chayei Adam.

  2. I'm sure we're going to have lots of tshuvos about this. It'll be interesting to see if the political aspect will be mentioned. I can just imagine Reb Chaim K being asked about the poor, reeking, Peleg boys, especially if they try to block the streets before the Yamim Nora'im.
